Recipe California Farm Imitation Shark Fin Soup the Awesome  Appealing

Recipe California Farm Imitation Shark Fin Soup the Awesome Appealing

  • Hobby Horseman
  • Hobby Horseman
  • Sep 23, 2021

Good morning here me will give you a recipe california farm imitation shark fin soup which is appetizing The way making it is very easy. You just need to be careful to get results from california farm imitation shark fin soup which has aroma and taste that can evoke our tastes.

So that the result of california farm imitation shark fin soup, what needs to be done is first from the type of material, next selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to make and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare california farm imitation shark fin soup the delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish can become treat very special.

Ingredients and seasonings required in prepare
  1. Prepare 1 piece dried black fungus, cloud ear or wood ear (amazon)
  2. Prepare 2 pieces dried bamboo fungus, dictyophora indusiata (amazon)
  3. Use Small portobello baby mushroom
  4. Use 3 Tbs chicken breast
  5. Prepare 3 Tbs lean pork
  6. Prepare 2 Tbs chestnut flour (amazon)
  7. Prepare 3 cups chicken stock
  8. Prepare 1 nest dried translucent glass noodles: mung bean noodles
  9. Prepare 1 fresh farm egg white, whipped
  10. Use 1/2 Tsp white pepper, tsp soy sauce, tsp sesame oil, tsp rice vinegar
  11. Prepare Chopped chives garnish
  12. Use Cost
  13. Prepare Mushroom 10 cents, black fungus 20 cents, bamboo fungus 20 cents, chicken stock 30 cents, chicken breast 30 cents, pork meat 30 cents, mung beans 20 cents, spices 20 cents, 6 cups, 30 cents per cup

Imitation Shark Fin Soup (fake Fin Soup) in imitation of Shark Fin, Boiling Water, Chicken Stock, Black Fungus, blithe Shiitake Mushrooms, Crab Meat, Corn Flour, Salt, Coriander, White Pepper, Black Vinegar, Beansprouts, Chicken Breast. Shark fin soup is a traditional Chinese dish frequently served as a luxury item at special occasions such as weddings. It's a controversial menu item because some fishermen harvest the fins by catching sharks, slicing off the fins, then tossing the shark. Shark fin soup faces extinction in California: A bill to ban the sale of shark fins is making its way through the state Senate.

Step by step to cook California Farm Imitation Shark Fin Soup:
  1. Soak dried fungi, dried noodles, mushroom in 4 cups of hot water till cool. Drain, sliver fungi, sliver chicken and pork. Set noodles aside as last ingredient.
  2. Put enough cold water in wok to make 3 cups, add 3 tsp chicken bouillion powder or cubes, bring to boil. Add fungi, mushroom, chicken, pork, add soy, sesame oil, vinegar, pepper, stir. Bring back to boil. Whip fresh egg white, drizzle in broth. Mix 2 Tbs of chestnut flour with 4 Tbs cold water in cup, drizzle into hot broth while stirring till thick. Lastly, drop in glass noodles. Stir, taste, garnish with chopped chives, serve hot. Enjoy.
  3. Done and ready to serve!

California Farm Imitation Shark Fin Soup dried black fungus, cloud ear or wood ear (amazon) • chicken breast • chestnut flour (amazon) • chicken stock • nest dried translucent glass noodles: mung bean noodles • fresh farm egg white, whipped • white pepper, tsp soy sauce, tsp sesame oil, tsp rice vinegar • dried bamboo fungus. We include restaurants that serve imitation shark fin because we believe that serving even imitation shark fin perpetuates the idea that consuming shark fin is acceptable and contributes to the serious conservation issues that sharks face. Alberta imitation shark fin soup recipe. by first-line therapy for major depressive disorder See recipes for Fried Yellow Fin Tuna too.

I say thank you for using the recipe that I convey on here. hope we Congratulations enjoy