Recipe Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi the Delicious Appealing

Recipe Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi the Delicious Appealing

  • cookpadjapan
  • cookpadjapan
  • Dec 12, 2021

Good afternoon here me will give you a recipe tanabata the milky way salad chirashi zushi which is delicious The way preparing it is very not too difficult. You just need to be careful to get results from tanabata the milky way salad chirashi zushi which has aroma and taste that can evoke our tastes.

So that the result of tanabata the milky way salad chirashi zushi, what needs to be done is start from the type of material, then selection of fresh and good ingredients, to how to processing and serving it. No need doubt if want prepare tanabata the milky way salad chirashi zushi delicious as long as you know the tricks and how to make this dish you can be serving very special.

Ingredients and seasonings must exist for make
  1. Prepare 1400 grams Cooked rice
  2. Take 1 Kombu
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp Sake
  4. Prepare 20 Peeled prawns
  5. Prepare 1/2 Cucumber
  6. Take 1 Canned tuna
  7. Prepare 1/2 Carrot
  8. Prepare 1/4 Iceberg lettuce
  9. Prepare 3 tbsp Canned corn
  10. Use 7 Shiso leaves
  11. Prepare 4 Eggs
  12. Use 4 tsp ☆ Sugar
  13. Prepare 2 tsp ☆ Dashi soy sauce
  14. Prepare 1/3 bag Denbu - pink sweet semidried fish flakes
  15. Use 5 tbsp Sushinoko - sushi rice seasoning powder
  16. Prepare 1 tbsp Olive oil

You can have Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi By Cookpad. The word "chirashi" means "scattered," so this is basically a big bowl of rice mixed with fish, vegetables, and additional ingredients of your choice. For chirashi zushi, impeccable ingredients are a must. Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi instructions.

Steps to cook Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi:
  1. Thinly slice the carrot and microwave until soft. Cut into star shapes with a cookie cutter if you have one. I cut the carrot and cucumber into star shapes with a knife.
  2. Heat the rest of the carrot in a microwave until soft, chop finely, and mix with the ☆ ingredients. Rub with 1/2 teaspoon of salt (not included in the ingredients list) .
  3. Cook the rice with konbu and sake slightly harder than usual. After the rice is cooked, add the sushinoko seasoning and fan the rice to cool.
  4. Cook the peeled prawns in 200ml of boiled water with 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sake (not included in the ingredients list).
  5. Mix the rice with chopped carrot, cucumber, corn, and iceberg lettuce. Squeeze out the excess water from the vegetables before mixing.
  6. Drain the peeled prawns well. Drain the oil from the canned tuna in a colander. Add to the rice and mix well. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mix.
  7. Mix the beaten eggs with the ☆ seasoning and make thin omelets. Thinly slice the omelets. This will make the Milky Way in the sushi.
  8. Put the omelet Milky Way in the centre and sprinkle the denbu around.
  9. Place the julienned shiso leaves between the egg omelets and denbu. Arrange the star-shaped carrots and cucumbers.
  10. Done and ready to serve!

Thinly slice the carrot and microwave until soft. Here is how you cook that. The word "chirashi" means "scattered," so this is basically a big bowl of rice mixed with fish, vegetables, and additional ingredients of your choice. For chirashi zushi, impeccable ingredients are a must. Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi step by step.

me, the simple preparation of Tanabata The Milky Way Salad Chirashi Zushi above can help you prepare servings that are delicious for family/friends Hope it’s useful and good luck!